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how can housing providers
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Cyber security: how can housing providers prepare for cyber security threats? 

Why are social housing providers targets of malicious cybercrime? 

You might think that hackers would only be interested in hacking large corporations with many millions of pounds…

*FREE webinar* COVID-19, benefits and beyond
News and events

*FREE webinar* COVID-19, benefits and beyond: supporting tenants through changes in income

COVID-19, benefits and beyond: supporting tenants through changes in income

Online event | 26th May 2021 | 11am - 12pm

Many people’s income will have changed in the last…

How can housing specific software help
News and events

How can housing specific software help the housing sector against cyber security threats?

The pandemic year of 2020 saw an unprecedented spike in cyber attacks across the world with the IT companies FireEye and Solar Winds being just two of the best known of over a dozen major attacks…

man showing abstract chip with symbol of a house
News and events

Are you a social landlord looking to advance your digital transformation

At Home Connections, we’ve worked closely with local authorities, housing associations and PRS landlords, of all shapes and sizes over the last 20 years. We have enjoyed providing game-changing…

Haringey Council trailblazes
News and events

Haringey Council trailblazes new online learning course in a bid to help get their housing applicants ‘tenancy ready’

Tenancy sustainment in social housing is a real sore spot for many professionals in the sector and the Covid-19 pandemic hasn’t made it any easier. Prior to the pandemic, many local authorities,…

list of logos of Home Connections partners in Scotland
News and events

Home Connections sees 75% tender win rate as a preferred IT provider for Scottish housing associations

Eildon, Queens Cross and Link housing association and Angus council are four of the most recent social landlords to turn to Home Connections for IT upgrade in the past year. The social housing…

Home Connections builds strength in Scotland
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Home Connections builds strength in Scotland

We are proud of our longstanding relationships with Scotland-based social housing providers, large, small and everything in between. And we are extremely pleased to have further increased our…

Upcoming webinar: EazyLearn
News and events

Upcoming webinar: EazyLearn - E-learning to improve tenancy sustainment

You're invited to our EazyLearn Webinar
10th December 2020 | 15:00 - 16:00

For Homes for Haringey, as for many other…

Haringey case study
Connections Forum 5th Nov:
News and events

Connections Forum 5th Nov: innovative technology for changing housing landscape

Leading digital transformation in housing

Digital transformation has been drastically accelerated by the…

Is there hope 2 years after the implementation of the Homelessness
News and events

Is there hope 2 years after the implementation of the Homelessness Reduction Act?

The Homelessness Reduction Act (HRA) 2017 came into effect on 3rd April 2018. Its vision: to transform the way Local Housing Authority (LHA) services are provided to homeless people. It was…

BAME staff in leadership roles
News and events

BAME staff in leadership roles

According to the 2019 housing diversity survey, our sector is…

Escaping economic abuse during COVID-19 lockdown
News and events

Escaping economic abuse during COVID-19 lockdown – the story of an abused former NHS nurse

The current coronavirus lockdown in England has led to concerns that pressure cooker conditions in domestic households can lead to heightened abuse for victims of domestic abuse.

A social…

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